Wednesday 25 May 2011

It’s Getting Busy in the Garden!


It's all going a bit crazy in the garden now, what with lots of rain and then lots of sunshine! Temperature keeps dipping and rising which doesn't seem to worry anything too much... here is an update for the time being.

Kitchen Orto (Orto di Cucina)

We have pomodori (tomatoes) melanzane (aubergine) peperone (peppers), sedano (celery), runner beans and latuga (lettuce) which have gone crazy.

Chicken Orto (Orto di Pollo) - well it's next door to the chicken pen!

Here we have patate (spuds), piselli (peas) and the last of the fave (broad beans). Simon made a fantastic dip with the broad beans, a little like hummus... delicious!

Lower Orto (Orto Li)

In this patch, which looks very dry on top but quite wet underneath we have cipolle (onion), aglio (garlic) - my firsts successful growing, brassicas (cabbage, brocolli, swede) and porro (leeks). Hoping this will fill up over the next few weeks.

We also have apricots, cherries, almonds, apples, pears, strawberries all in varying state of growth and bamboo coming out of our ears (well not literally).

Plus our green-fingered friend James has given us some Birds of Paradise, Dahlia and an Oleander all grown from seed. I hope I don't ruin them!!

Friday 6 May 2011


Just a quick entry. Bought our first lot of seedlings today and it cost us 29 Euro:

  • 10 Pomodori (San Marzano)
  • 6 Sedano
  • 4 Peperone
  • 2 Peperoncini
  • 2 Melanzane
  • 20 Castana Latuga
So not a bad start! Also sowed some seeds yesterday (its a full moon) and include:
  • Corn (last lot eaten by something)
  • Purple Sprouting Brocolli
  • Cetrioli
  • Zuchini
  • Runner Beans
I'm sure there was more but can't remember! Have some parsnips growing in paper pots and James has suggested growing in compost bed, so we're going to use the old cold frame! Exciting. And I planted some wild flowers, but Freya has already dug up one patch. James has also given me today some Oleander, Birds of Paradise and Dahlia seedlings...

Weather Report: After a very cool and wet start to the month, the sun is now shining and looks set to continue. Hoorah!